Inositol is a naturally occurring compound that belongs to the B-vitamin family. It is often referred to as vitamin B8, although it is not officially recognized as a vitamin. Inositol is found in various forms, with the most common being Myo-Inositol.
Inositol plays a crucial role in cellular signaling and is involved in various biological processes within the body. Inositol is commonly used to support cognitive function, reproductive health, and metabolic processes.
Good dietary sources of Inositol include fruits like oranges, cantaloupe, and grapefruit, as well as grains like wheat, oats, and rice. Legumes (like beans, lentils, and chickpeas), nuts (almonds and peanuts in particular), and some vegetables (like cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli) also have inositol.
Ellement uses Myo-Inositol, the most widely studied and utilized form of inositol for supplementation. It has demonstrated benefits in reproductive health, mental health, metabolic health, and fertility support. While there are other forms of inositol, myo-inositol is preferred due to its comprehensive research and wide range of benefits.